Salsa Classes

with Berkshire Pulse

August 11, 2024

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Pictured: Luana Dias David of Berkshire Pulse, photo courtesy of The Mount

¡Viva la Salsa! Berkshire Pulse va a llevar a cabo una serie de clases de Salsa liderado por instructora Luana Dias David en el Mount debajo de nuestra carpa. Las clases serán una oportunidad divertida de aprender, practicar o simplemente bailar salsa durante tres domingos antes de nuestra Fiesta Latina el 25 de Agosto, donde los estudiantes podrán poner sus pasos de baile en practica! Todos los niveles de baile son bienvenidos.

¡Viva la Salsa! Berkshire Pulse will provide a series of community Salsa classes led by Luana Dias David outside on the grounds of The Mount under our tent. The classes will provide a fun and inclusive space to learn this style of dancing for two consecutive Sundays leading up to the annual Fiesta Latina in August, where students will have the opportunity to put their moves into practice!

Pictured: Luana Dias David of Berkshire Pulse, photo courtesy of The Mount

The Mount is a Massachusetts Cultural Council UP designated organization welcoming participants of all disabilities. Please contact The Mount at 413-551-5100 or by email,, to discuss accommodations needed to participate fully in this event.

Thanks to our Community Partner and Sponsor::


  • Este evento involucrará moverse y atención plena. Por favor, vístase con ropa cómoda para tener la experiencia más positiva.
  • This event will involve movement and your full attention. Please wear comfortable clothing to have the most positive experience possible.